Walga at the "video game professions and studies in Belgium" conference at the HEPL

Video games and E-Sports take center stage this Wednesday in Liège for a day of conferences. Presentations, discussions and competitions are on the agenda for this unique event!

Are you interested in the world of video games? Are you interested in the competitive aspect and the development of E-Sports in Belgium? We look forward to seeing you this Wednesday at the Haute École de la Province de Liège, starting at 1:30pm.

The program:

  • 1:30-2pm :
    • Luc Gillard - Deputy-President Province of Liège
    • Pierre Devillers - Conference host
    • Jean Gréban - Walga coordinator
  • 14h-14h50 :
    • Valéry Broun - HEPL
    • Gaël Gilson - HEAJ
    • Pierre-Yves Hurel - Liège Game Lab
  • 15h-15h50 :
    • Gaëtan Thoron - DH Esport editor and founder of Lan-Area.be
    • Christopher Pierre - Project Manager RTBF Ixpé
    • Gilles Banneux - Video game journalist and Game In columnist
  • 16h-16h50 :
    • Benjamin De Smet - CEO Activit-E
    • Maxime Delehouzée - Co-founder Summer Geek Festival
    • François Gubbels - Co-founder Be@con
  • 17h-17h50 :
    • Brice Mattivi - Game producer Wild Bishop
    • Bobby Tam - Creative Director Wild Bishop
    • Vincenzo Bianca - CEO N-Zone
  • 8-10pm : Trackma'frites Final

The entire event will be broadcast on the La DH-Lan Area Twitch channel

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