Following the formation of the new Walloon government and the publication of the Déclaration de Politique Régionale, the Board of Directors and the WALGA team are delighted by the explicit and encouraging recognition of support for the video game industry in Wallonia (see extract below).
Under the previous legislature, the sector experienced strong growth thanks to the mission to structure and develop the Walloon video game ecosystem entrusted to WALGA as Digital Wallonia referent, enabling structural funding of the association. Calls for projects by Wallimage (Walloon Region) and the Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel (Wallonia-Brussels Federation), as well as the federal government's extension of the Tax Shelter to video game creation, have doubled the number of studios in Wallonia, from around twenty to forty. A new generation of project leaders, supported in particular by the specialized incubator set up in collaboration with Azimut, and the increased entrepreneurial dynamism of the Hautes Ecoles and training centers such as Technocité, will ensure continued growth.
Training courses have also grown exponentially, from one Bachelor's degree (HEAJ in Namur) to three (HelHa in Mons and HEPL in Liège), as well as the introduction in 2022 of a five-year Master's degree (HEAJ), bringing the total number of students to over 700, compared with just 200 previously. The challenge of creating jobs to keep our talents in the region remains the priority of the actions taken by WALGA and its members.
At the start of this legislature, the challenge is to ensure long-term support for the sector by providing structural funding for calls for projects in support of creation (prototyping and production), optimization of the Tax Shelter (international co-production, raising the expenditure threshold and the percentage of public support), and assistance with promotion via support from Awex and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
E-Sport, the competitive practice of video games, included in WALGA's missions since 2020, has also benefited from significant development, with more than 25 specialized member structures and the opening in the four video game hubs (Mons, Charleroi, Namur and Liège) of specialized spaces equipped with state-of-the-art facilities made available to local players. The opportunities offered by this new legislature, which for the first time explicitly includes support for e-sports, will be to continue structuring the ecosystem by supporting companies and project leaders, creating a favorable legal framework and providing financial support for projects.
WALGA is delighted to be just a few weeks away from Gamescom, one of the world's most important video game industry trade shows, which will welcome the largest Walloon delegation in its history to the Belgian pavilion, with over 70 participants.
Extract from DPR 2024-29 concerning video games and digital ICCs:
Developing the digital sector and the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) French-speaking Belgium must continue to develop the gaming sector to become a center of excellence in the video game industry.
Support and structuring of the sector will be stepped up, and a specific status for eSports, particularly for students, will be introduced. The government is implementing a policy of growth for the sector and innovation through digital technology, to benefit the regional economy and its digital transition.
The Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) are a major economic sector, generating local jobs, contributing to economic growth and driving innovation. The government will continue to structure the CCI ecosystem to provide greater support and guidance to the sector's economic players. The video game industry is the world's leading cultural industry.
Sources : Regional Policy Statement