The latest 2022 figures from #BelgianGamesIndustry

The upward trend in our industry's market data is stable! The Belgian gaming sector in 2022 is showing solid growth, both in terms of the number of companies and jobs. Take the key takeaways from the survey below, or download the full report.

With an increase of 21%, the Belgian gaming sector grew to 133 companies in 2022, the largest ever. These companies generated sales of 85 million euros and employed 1,085 people, 16% more than in 2021. The slight drop in sales from 88 million euros in 2021 to 85 million euros in 2022 is corona residue. However, if we look at the pre-corona figures (70 million euros in 2019), there's not much to worry about. What's more, both the increase in the number of companies and the hiring figures show that there are plenty of new video game releases to come, which should ultimately lead to sales growth.

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