MEET & BUILD closes on a high note with its third day of conferences. On Saturday, October 28, 2023, almost 250 people - students and professionals alike - were present to follow the twenty or so conferences divided into 4 different themes: Art & Creativity, Business & Marketing, Tech & Production and Culture & Society. In addition, a live streaming session on Twitch gave visibility to the guests and their games..
The conferences were therefore divided into 4 different categories in the 4 rooms of the Quai10. Discover all the speakers :
Art & Creativity
- Will Emmerich | CEO of Shed of Ideas: "UNREAL Engine for Fortnite (UEFN) as an alternative tool for independent studios".
- Cédric Babouche | CCO de Umanimation and Creator of "Dordogne": "Dordogne and how to bring traditional art in video games".
- Sébastien Croteau | President of The Monster Factory Creature Vocalizations: The Art of Creating Audio Nightmares with a Human Voice
- Raphaël Villegas | Artistic Director at Abrakam Studio Improve your artistic productivity with AI
- Philippe Dessoly | Artistic Director at Mr Nutz Studio From video games to everything else...
Tech & Production
- Andrea Di Stefano | Game Director at Appeal Studios : "The tumultuous road to Sherwood: three lives, two titles, and one heck of a gang!"
- Ruslana Kruchek | Co-Founder, Brand Manager & Art Director at VP Production Make it loud: use game-changing potential of branded audio".
- Kurt McClung | Narrative Designer & CCO of Taliespin Narrative Design: 360 Methodology
- Aymeric Castaing | CEO of UmanimationCreator of "Dordogne": "Umanimation, a transmedia IP company
- XR round table | with I-Illusions & Myron Games
Business & Marketing
- Stéphane Rappeneau | CFO & Creative producer of Jamaste & Hawkswell Studios The Jungle of European Game Financing
- Federica Nocerino | Marketing Consultant & Ambassador WIG Learn how to build a strong community, engage with fans on social media, and market your game successfully.
- Michael Liebe | CEO of Booster Space & representative at Kickstarter Proofing your game concept with Love - The Kickstarter Formula
- Melissandre Monatus | Marketing, Communication & PR Consultant: "The African Video Game industry, hidden treasures to be discovered".
- Adrian Laubisch | New Business & Planning Director at AIYRAAdvergame: how video games can deliver an advertising message while offering real gameplay to the target audience".
- Masahiko Murakami | CEO at Skeleton Crew Studio & Organizer of the BitSummit : "After BitSummit - How did Japan's independent game culture grow?"
Culture & Society
- Sindi Breshani | Co-Founder of Episod Studio Navigating complex stories through games
- Jörg Tittel | CEO of RapidEyeMovers Studio Space Invaders: evolving game design from killing to filling time
- Guergana Guintcheva | Professor of Marketing atEDHEC Business School Napoleon vs Marie-Antoinette: Gender Stereotypes in Video Games Consumption and Their Reproduction in Game Narratives".
- Chloé Boels | Streamer, Founder of Stream'Her and TV Columnist: "The importance of streaming in the Video Games Industry".
For the first time, we organized a 3-hour live stream session. Via the WALGATV on Twitch, video games and guest interviews were conducted by our Belgian steamers and streamers Chloé Boels, Tahiti & Tricky and the French Morrigh4n. A moment of pure conviviality!
The Quai10 Video Game Area was also open throughout the 3 days, with a selection of games from the speakers. Saturday alone saw some 150 participants!

Check out all the photos from the conference day on the MEET & BUILD Facebook page!