MEET & BUILD 2023: business meetings

After a first day dedicated to international meetings, MEET & BUILD began its second day on Friday, October 27, with business meetings. On the program: pitch sessions for investors/publishers and project leaders, as well as 1:1 meetings.

We started the day with a session of reverse pitch investors and publishers. Among the fifteen or so participants:

The second part was then reserved for pitches from a dozen project leaders, half of them Belgian (Flemish and Walloon) and the other half European (Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Ukraine...), thanks to the partnership with SpielFabrique. The project leaders were :

The day was then punctuated by 1:1 meetings, in the magnificent setting of the Brasserie du Quai10.

Some figures for business meetings via the app BrellaOctober 26 and 27, 2023 :

  • A total of 232 meetings during the event
  • A total of 131 participants, including 88 who attended meetings and 46 who used the chat option
  • A commitment of 879 impressions with an accepted meetings ratio of 66.3%

Check out all the photos from the Business Rendezvous Day on the MEET & BUILD Facebook page!

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