Streaming and social networking workshop

WALGA offers its first three-day workshop dedicated to streaming and social networks for video game developers, E-Sport players and game streamers. Whether you're a professional or a project owner, this workshop led by two Tik Tok and Twitch specialists, Tahiti and Tricky, will enable you to discover and master these essential tools for developing your business.

  • How can you use streaming to promote your business, your project or your video game?
  • How can you work with a streamer to develop and promote your business?
  • How can you combine your strategy with social networks?
  • Understanding and using social networking algorithms
  • Understand how Tik Tok works and how to make professional, high-performance videos
  • What content on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok... How can you make them complementary?
  • Etc.

The workshop will take place from May 3 to 5 at Quai 10 in Charleroi.

To register, click here. For individuals or companies not affiliated to Walga, the cost is 150€ for the three days and 75€ for WALGA members. You can also join Walga via this link.

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